目前分類:English (11)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

If you could go through these tips in this article, then you will get better abilities in learning English.

1.      Start your own English language blog. Even for people who don't have to write in English, writing can be a great way of properly learning the kind of vocabulary you need to describe your own life and interests, and of thinking about how to stop making grammar mistakes. The problem most people have is that they don't know what to write about. One traditional way to make sure you write every day in English is to write an English diary (journal), and a more up to date way of doing this is to write a blog. Popular topics include your language learning experience, your experience studying abroad, your local area, your language, or translations of your local news into English.

2.      Write a news diary. Another daily writing task that can work for people who would be bored by writing about their own routines in a diary is to write about the news that you read and listen to everyday. If you include your predictions for how you think the story will develop (e.g. "I think Hillary will become president"), this can give you a good reason to read old entries another time, at which time you can also correct and mistakes you have made and generally improve what you have written.

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    Knowledge is power.

    Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

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英式和美式英語的拼寫差異 (轉貼)

早在 18 世紀美國人就提出用新字母改革英語拼寫的主張 , 並付諸行動取得了一定的成功 , 從而形成了現代的美國英語和英國英語的某些詞在拼寫上的差異。從總體上看 , 改革後的美國英語 , 詞的拼寫更簡單 , 更符合發音規律。

這些比較常見的拼寫差異 , 大體歸納起來有以下幾種情況 :

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OBAMA : My fellow citizens

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Enjoy it !!!!


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 這是在網路上看到的,內容包羅萬象,什麼都有,可以進去看看 :)

http://www.eztalk.to/ EZ Talk

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★At 用在 “精確的時間”

at 4 o’clock, at 10:30, at noon. at the moment, at sunset, at dinnertime. at bed time

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  1) quite 相當              quiet 安靜地
  2) affect v 影響,假裝     effect n 結果,影響
  3) adapt 適應              adopt 採用              adept 內行

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